
S. Werner, Freg, D , and Sarsour, I.A. . 2023. Family Stigma And Community Participation Of Arab Children And Youth With Disabilities . Journal Of Child And Family Studies, 32, Pp. 3526–3539. . Publisher's Version
S. Werner and Holler, R. . 2023. Israeli Social Workers' Recommendations On Residential Settings For Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities . Journal Of Applied Research In Intellectual Disabilities. . Publisher's Version
Maayan Schneider, Werner, Shirli , Yavnai, Nirit , Ben Yehuda, Ariel , and Shelef, Leah . 2023. Israeli Soldiers' Intentions And Actions Toward Seeking Mental Health Help: Barriers And Facilitators. Journal Of Clinical Psychology, 79, Pp. 449–465. doi:10.1002/jclp.23431. Abstract
Background: While military settings may increase psychological distress, soldiers frequently avoid seeking professional help. This study aimed to examine barriers and facilitators associated with intentions to seek help and actually seeking help from a mental health officer (MHO) and how these differ among soldiers who had sought help in the past and those who had not. Method: This cross-sectional study included 263 combat and noncombat soldiers. The Health Belief Model and the Help-Seeking Model were the theoretical framework used to map the potential variables associated with soldiers' decision to seek help. Results: Stigma and administrative barriers were found to be significant barriers to both the intention to seek help and actually consulting an MHO. These findings were more definitive among combat soldiers. The belief in the effectiveness of mental health treatment was positively associated with the intention to seek help. Positive associations were found between well-being, perceived seriousness of one's condition, and belief in the effectiveness of mental health care and intention to seek MHO help. Distress and self-concealment were positively associated with actual consultation with an MHO. Public stigma about seeking help was associated with both the intention to seek mental health assistance and actually consulting an MHO. Conclusion: Military commanders should make an effort to make soldiers feel safe to seek mental health assistance by creating a supportive organizational atmosphere to reduce the stigma associated with mental health care.
Tamar Taub and Werner, Shirli . 2023. Perspectives Of Adolescents With Disabilities And Their Parents Regarding Autonomous Decision-Making And Self-Determination. Research In Developmental Disabilities, 136. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2023.104442. Abstract
Background: Parents’ promotion of autonomous decision-making (PADM) is essential for adolescents with disabilities and constitutes the basis for maturation of self-determination (SD). SD develops based on adolescents’ capacities and the opportunities offered to them at home and at school, to make personal decisions regarding their life. Aim: Examine the associations between the PADM and SD of adolescents with disabilities from their own perspective and that of their parents. Method: Sixty-nine adolescents with disabilities and one of their parents completed a self-report questionnaire including PADM and SD scales. Outcomes: The findings showed associations between parents’ and adolescents’ reports of PADM, and opportunities for SD at home. PADM was associated with capacities for SD among adolescents. Gender differences were also apparent, with both adolescent girls and their parents reporting higher ratings of SD than adolescent boys. Conclusions: Parents who promote autonomous decision-making among their adolescent children with disabilities start a virtuous circle by offering greater opportunities for SD within the home. In turn, these adolescents rate their SD as higher, and communicate this perspective to their parents. Consequently, their parents offer them more opportunities for autonomous decision-making at home, thus enhancing their SD.
בנימין הוזמי, ורנר, שירלי , אייברס, חסדאי , אליעזר, שחר , הרשקוביץ, דב , זיו, רועי , כהן, רותי , מלך, עודד , and קליין, מנחם. 2023. חסמים והזדמנויות בעולם העבודה בקרב בוגרים עם לקויות למידה מורכבות. מוגבלות וחברה, 2, Pp. 113–136. Abstract
מחקר זה התמקד בחוויות, חסמים והזדמנויות בהשתלבותם של בוגרים עם לקויות למידה מורכבות בגיל העבודה במסגרות תעסוקה. המחקר ניסה להתחקות אחר ממדים שונים של חסמים שחווים אנשים עם לקויות למידה מורכבות, ובכללם כאלה הנוגעים לחסמים אישיים, חסמים סביבתיים ומשפחתיים, חסמים הנובעים מיחס המעסיק וסביבת העבודה וכאלה הנובעים ממדיניות מקומית וארצית. לצד אלה ביקש המחקר ללמוד על גורמים הנתפסים כחוויות חיוביות של משתתפי המחקר במקומות עבודתם (מתוך המאמר)
Roni Holler and Werner, Shirli . 2022. Between The Convention And Conventional Practice: Israeli Social Workers' Recommendations Regarding The Legal Capacity Of People With Disabilities. Journal Of Applied Research In Intellectual Disabilities, 35, Pp. 826–833. doi:10.1111/jar.12986. Abstract
Background: Following the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (CRPD), various countries have recently amended their legal capacity laws with the aim of restricting the use of guardianship and increasing the use of other, less restrictive practices, mainly supported decision making. As social workers have a key role in carrying out these reforms, this study examines how Israeli social workers make legal capacity-related decisions. Method: Semi-structured interviews with 27 Israeli social workers. Results: Thematic analysis identified three factors driving social workers' recommendations regarding guardianship and supported decision-making: the person's diagnosis and functioning level, and the presence of a supportive family. A fourth factor, the person's preferences, played a complex and more limited role. Conclusions: Many changes have yet to be made to fully apply the support paradigm in Israel, since social workers still tend to base their recommendations on factors not fully aligned with the CRPD.
Shirli Werner, Hochman, Yael , Holler, Roni , and Shpigelman, Carmit Noa. 2022. Burden And Growth During Covid-19: Comparing Parents Of Children With And Without Disabilities. Journal Of Child And Family Studies, 31, Pp. 1535–1546. doi:10.1007/s10826-022-02282-5. Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic and the measures taken to contain it have had a disproportionate impact on families with young children, especially with disabilities. This study examined factors associated with burden and growth among parents of young children in Israel, while comparing parents of children with and without disabilities. We hypothesized that the association between family functioning, informal social support, and perceived adequacy of educational services and burden and growth would be moderated by disabilities. An online questionnaire was completed by 675 parents of young children, 95 of them with disability. The moderating effect of disability on burden and growth was examined using PROCESS. Compared to parents of children without disabilities, greater burden was found among parents of children with disabilities, but levels of growth were similar. External support was lacking for both parent groups. Educational services were perceived as severely inadequate. Lower perceived adequate educational services were associated with greater burden. On the other hand, higher levels of family functioning (i.e., family cohesion and adaptability) and greater adequacy of educational services were associated with growth. The results show that while burden was greater for parents of children with disabilities, growth during the COVID-19 period was possible for parents of both groups. The findings also pointed to the importance of the family system for sustaining the wellbeing of its members in lockdown situations. Put together, the findings highlight the importance of planning for such national and global emergencies.
Shirli Werner and Holler, Roni . 2022. Israeli Social Workers’ Recommendations On Guardianship And Supported Decision-Making: Examination Of Client And Social Worker Factors. American Journal Of Orthopsychiatry, 92, Pp. 109–120. doi:10.1037/ort0000594. Abstract
We examined social workers' recommendations regarding the possible appointment of a guardian, a supported decision maker (SDM), or neither for persons with disabilities. Social workers (N = 328) were presented with four vignettes that contained factors potentially relevant to guardianship and SDM judgments. They expressed higher support of SDM and maintaining the status quo (without a guardian or SDM) and lower support for guardianship. Social workers were more likely to recommend guardianship when the person depicted in the vignette was labeled as having an intellectual disability, needed support in decision-making, lacked familial support, and agreed to guardianship. They were more inclined to support the status quo for individuals with mental illness, when there was little need for decision-making support, when the family was supportive, and when the individual refused guardianship. Social workers who had not heard of the SDM reform, and those with positive attitudes toward guardianship, supported guardianship. Findings are discussed in light of the status and functional approaches to guardianship and the relational notion of autonomy. As part of the SDM reform, decision-making capacity should not be assessed based on diagnosis or on independent decision-making, but rather on the ability to make decisions when receiving appropriate support. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved).
Shirli Werner. 2022. Meeting The Unmet Needs Of Disabled Adults With Cerebral Palsy. Developmental Medicine And Child Neurology, 64, Pp. 1187–1188. doi:10.1111/dmcn.15249.
Roni Holler and Werner, S. . 2022. 'Necessity Is Neither Condemned Nor Praised': Social Workers' Meanings Of Guardianship For Disabled People. British Journal Of Social Work, 52, Pp. 98–115. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcaa208. Abstract
Throughout the years, disabled people, especially those with intellectual and mental disabilities, have frequently been appointed authorised guardians. Having been criticised for restricting individual freedom and autonomy and in line with the 2006 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, a 2016 reform in Israel's Legal Capacity and Guardianship Law called for restricting the use of guardianship and preferring less restrictive alternatives, specifically supported decision making (SDM). The success of this reform rests largely on social workers. This study examined the meanings social worker attach to guardianship and SDM. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with twenty-seven Israeli social workers. The findings showed that whilst they acknowledged the shortcomings of guardianship, they nevertheless perceived it to be vital. They provided three justifications for this view: guardianship as a safeguarding practice, guardianship as promoting individual well-being and guardianship in the service of third parties. These findings are discussed in terms of their meaning for guardianship as a risk-aversive practice designed to promote service users' well-being and quality of life and in terms of the role played by third parties in bringing SDM into force. Recommended steps for moving the current reform in guardianship from paper to practice are highlighted.
Yael Hochman, Shpigelman, Carmit Noa, Holler, Roni , and Werner, Shirli . 2022. “Together In A Pressure Cooker”: Parenting Children With Disabilities During The Covid-19 Lockdown. Disability And Health Journal, 15. doi:10.1016/j.dhjo.2022.101273. Abstract
Background: COVID-19 has had a disproportionate and unprecedented impact on children with disabilities, their parents and families. This impact has been particularly evident during periods of lockdowns and severe restrictions. Objective: This study employed the social model of disability to illuminate negative and positive experiences of Israeli parents of children with disabilities during the first COVID-19 lockdown, as well as the way social environments, particularly educational and welfare services, shape that experience. Methods: The study draws upon thematic analysis of written responses of 80 Israeli parents to open-ended questions. Results: Three main themes were found: (1) lack of responsiveness of both informal and formal supports to family needs, mainly in the educational and welfare systems; (2) juggling multiple roles and tasks along with the parents' routinely intensive caregiving role; and (3) the impact on the family's wellbeing and relationships. Conclusion: These results are discussed in light of the social model of disability, showing how social restrictions and barriers affect both negative and positive experiences of these families. Also discussed are practical implications for future crises.
שירלי ורנר, הוזמי, בנימין , אליעזר, שחר , סיני, אילן בן, דנגור, לירן , טרבולסקי, שני , כהן, רותי , מלך, עודד , מעודה, אביחי , and קליין, מנחם. 2022. תמורות שחלו בחייהם של בוגרים עם לקויות למידה מורכבות במהלך תקופת הקורונה. מוגבלות וחברה, 1, Pp. 69–92. Abstract
המחקר הנוכחי בוצע בגישת מחקר פעולה משתף (Participatory action research) גישה המשלבת אנשים עם מוגבלות במחקר כחוקרים עמיתים. בגישה זו, החוקרים עם מוגבלות הם שותפים־עמיתים ומומחים לחייהם והתקווה היא כי ממצאי המחקר יתורגמו לפרקטיקה המקדמת איכות חיים. חברי קבוצת המחקר העמיתים בבית איזי שפירא הם בוגרים עם לקויות למידה מורכבות. מחקר פעולה משתף מלווה באנשי מחקר המשמשים כמנחים וכמאפשרים. במפגש שקיימו החוקרים העמיתים עם החוקרים המאפשרים, התמקד הדיון בדפוסי התמודדותם עם אתגרי הקורונה. תיאוריהם לימדו על חוויית אובדן ואי ודאות מתמשכים לצד רווחים משניים שצמחו בתקופה מאיימת ומגבילה זו. לפיכך נושא המחקר אותו ביקשו לבדוק התמקד בתמורות שחלו בחייהם של בוגרים עם לקויות למידה מורכבות במהלך תקופת הקורונה. (מתוך המאמר)
Tamar Geva and Werner, Shirli . 2021. Activism, Growth, And Empowerment Of Israeli Parents Of Children With Disabilities. Family Process, 60, Pp. 1437–1452. doi:10.1111/famp.12639. Abstract
Traditionally, studies on parenting children with disabilities have focused mostly on experiences of stress. More recently, studies have turned to examining parental coping from the perspective of strength, focusing on the ability to achieve growth and empowerment. Most studies, however, have not examined parental activism as a coping mechanism. Based on the Double ABCX Model of Family Adjustment and Adaptation, this study, conducted in Israel, assessed the adequacy of a theoretical model linking stress, coping, activism, growth, and empowerment of parents of children with disabilities. Activist and nonactivist parents (N = 123) completed a structured questionnaire that included measures of stress, coping, empowerment, and growth. Stress was negatively associated with empowerment and growth, whereas problem-focused coping and parental activism were positively associated with empowerment and growth. Activism was found to mediate the relationships between stress and growth and empowerment, with lower levels of stress being related to higher levels of activism, which was in turn correlated to higher levels of empowerment and growth. Parental activism, consisting of deconstructing problems faced by the family and demanding change in social discourse with a view toward inclusion, choice, rights, and equality, is a useful mechanism for parents in alleviating levels of stress and enhancing sense of empowerment and growth.
Shirli Werner, Gumpel, Tom P. , Koller, Judah , Wiesenthal, Vered , and Weintraub, Naomi . 2021. Can Self-Efficacy Mediate Between Knowledge Of Policy, School Support And Teacher Attitudes Towards Inclusive Education?. Plos One, 16, Pp. 1–17. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0257657. Abstract
Background While research has focused on understanding teachers' attitudes towards the inclusion of children with special educational needs into general education classrooms, there are lacunae that have yet to be addressed. This study examined the association between perceived self-efficacy and attitudes towards inclusion among elementary school teachers. The study also examined the role of teachers' self-efficacy as a mediating variable between knowledge of inclusion policy, perception of school support and teachers' attitudes towards inclusion. Methods Teachers (N = 352) working in general or special education schools completed questionnaires assessing attitudes towards inclusion, sense of self-efficacy, knowledge of current policy, and perception of support for inclusive practices. Results Higher perceived knowledge of inclusion policy and higher perceived school support of inclusion were both related to higher self-efficacy regarding inclusion, which, in turn, was related to more positive attitudes about inclusion. Conclusion Our results suggest that point to being knowledgeable regarding local and national policy is important in order to increase feelings of self-efficacy regarding the implementation of effective educational practice. To enhance inclusion, local and national policy must be clearly communicated to teachers. Furthermore, leadership and a supportive school environment are conducive to successful inclusive education.
Shirli Werner, Hochman, Yael , Rosenne, Hadas , and Kurtz, Shifra . 2021. Cooperation Or Tension? Dyadic Coping In Cystic Fibrosis. Family Process, 60, Pp. 285–298. doi:10.1111/famp.12538. Abstract
Following a rise in the life expectancy of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, many adults with CF form couple relationships. Yet, dyadic coping has not been previously examined in people with CF. This study examined how adults with CF and their partners cope as a couple with the illness, and what meanings each partner and the couple as a unit attribute to the experience. Seventeen adult CF patients and their partners participated in separate semi-structured in-depth interviews. Two main patterns of dyadic coping with CF were identified as follows: cooperation and tension. For couples in cooperation, the marital relationship served as a resource for adaptive coping. These couples were characterized by similarities in their perception of the place of CF in their lives and of their roles in the marital relationship. Couples in tension described the couple relationship as strained by difficulty of accepting the disease, proliferation of negative emotions, and a sense of burden and loneliness in the process of coping. Findings point to the importance of mutual empathy, clear and accepted division of roles between the partners, and open communication for facilitating coping as a couple.
Thomas Peter Gumpel, Koller, Judah , Weintraub, Naomi , Werner, Shirli , and Wiesenthal, Vered . 2020. The 3P Model For Creating Sustainable Educational Reform: An Epilogue To The Special Issue. Journal Of Educational Administration, 58, Pp. 571–584. doi:10.1108/JEA-03-2020-0074. Abstract
Purpose: This article presents a conceptual synthesis of the international literature on inclusive education while expanding upon, and incorporating, the articles in this special issue. The authors present their 3P model (philosophy, policy and praxis) and relate each paper in this special issue to different aspects of their model. Design/methodology/approach: This article serves as an epilogue to this special issue of the Journal of Educational Administration as well as a discussion of historical and conceptual distinctions between mainstreaming and inclusion while examining global trends in understanding the move toward inclusive education. Findings: The authors examined the detrimental effects of ableism and a medical model of disability and their effects on the educational system. They conducted an analysis based on examining the philosophy, policy and practice of the inclusive movement, specifically by examining conceptual models and inclusive decisions, conceptual frameworks for describing inclusive policy and a focus of the application to educational administration. The authors examined the global movement from segregation/exclusion to integration and then to inclusionary praxis. Research limitations/implications: The authors maintain that the inclusion literature lacks a sound positivistic empirical base, and so they present throughout the article possible avenues for such research as well as future directions for comparative research. Practical implications: Understanding the philosophical underpinnings of the inclusive movement is central to developing viable inclusive educational settings. The authors distinguish between inclusive schools and local educational authorities where stakeholders have moved toward an inclusionary system (the minority) versus locales who are reluctant to move systems to actual change. Originality/value: This article takes a wider view of inclusionary practices, from one focusing on children with disabilities to one focusing on historical and traditional exclusionary practices. By widening the scope of the inclusion discussion, to one of exclusion, the authors present a viably wider lens to educational administration.
Shirli Werner and Holler, Roni . 2020. Attitudes Toward Guardianship, Social Work Goals, And Perspectives Of Disability Among Social Work Students. Disability And Rehabilitation, 42, Pp. 712–721. doi:10.1080/09638288.2018.1508510. Abstract
Purpose: Guardianship of people with disabilities has been under growing scrutiny, leading some welfare states to offer supported decision-making as a legal alternative. This study examined the attitudes of Israeli social work students toward guardianship and supported decision-making and the relationship between these attitudes and the perceived importance of social work goals, as mediated by perceptions of disability. Materials and methods: Participants were 414 undergraduate and graduate level social work students from Israel. Participants completed a structured questionnaire that measured: attitudes toward guardianship and supported decision-making, importance of social work goals, and perception of disability. Results: Although social work students tended to support limiting the scope of guardianship, they did not clearly oppose it. Individual model perspective of disability mediated the association between the social work goal of social control and attitudes toward guardianship. Social model perspective of disability mediated the association between the social work goal of social justice and attitudes toward guardianship. Conclusion: To reduce guardianship appointments, social work educators should educate students better regarding current supported decision-making trends, emphasize the importance of social justice goals, and discuss critically the necessity of social control. Further, educators need to embrace the social model of disability, in particular its view of autonomy and interdependence.Implications for rehabilitation The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has urged limiting guardianship practices, and developing instead less restrictive alternatives, especially supported decision making. In order to fully implement the Convention’s vision, efforts must be placed in social work training programs on discussing the limitations of guardianship, the dilemmas it raises and the advantages of other less restrictive alternatives, including that of supported decision-making. Social work educators should also emphasize the importance of social justice goals and discuss critically the necessity of social control. Similar emphasis should be placed on exposing students to the social model of disability, including its view of autonomy and interdependence.
Roni Holler, Werner, Shirli , Tolub, Yotam , and Pomerantz, Miriam . 2020. Choice Within The Israeli Welfare State: Lessons Learned From Legal Capacity And Housing Services. In Choice, Preference, And Disability, Pp. 87–110. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-35683-5_5. Abstract
This chapter examines the way that the choices of Israeli adults with intellectual disabilities are shaped by different disability laws and other state policies in two domains: legal capacity and housing services. In Israel, legal capacity issues are regulated by the 1962 Legal Capacity and Guardianship Law, which has recently been amended to provide preference for supported decision-making alternatives over guardianship. We show how prior to the amendment the law and its practice infringed on individuals’ right to freedom and autonomy, especially given the extensive use of plenary guardianship and lack of meaningful supervision and regulations. An additional concern is related to the limited consideration given to the individuals’ voice in guardianship appointment processes. The new amendment moved the Israeli legal capacity system a major step away from this guardianship regime. This positive change is currently very much on paper with several concerns and challenges still in need of being addressed.With regard to housing services, we first focus on the process through which services are provided to adults with intellectual disabilities and the role assigned to service users in the process. We then describe the current housing solutions available in Israel, from the most common, large congregate facilities to community apartments and family homes. Finally, we show how each of these living schemes affects the individuals’ right to choice in their daily lives. We conclude by providing several recommendations that represent initial steps in overcoming some of the aforementioned challenges within the two fields.
Angela Hassiotis, Ali, Afia , Courtemanche, Andrea , Lunsky, Yona , McIntyre, Laura Lee, Napolitamo, Deborah , van der Nagel, Joanneke , and Werner, Shirli . 2020. In The Time Of The Pandemic: Safeguarding People With Developmental Disabilities Against The Impact Of Coronavirus. Journal Of Mental Health Research In Intellectual Disabilities, 13, Pp. 63–65. doi:10.1080/19315864.2020.1756080.
Katrina Scior, Hamid, Aseel , Hastings, Richard , Werner, Shirli , Belton, Catherine , Laniyan, Adebisi , Patel, Maya , and Kett, Maria . 2020. Intellectual Disability Stigma And Initiatives To Challenge It And Promote Inclusion Around The Globe. Journal Of Policy And Practice In Intellectual Disabilities, 17, Pp. 165–175. doi:10.1111/jppi.12330. Abstract
There is a dearth of studies that have examined the attitudes of society toward people with intellectual disabilities (IDs) on a global scale. This study set out to gauge the extent to which ID continues to be stigmatized and to which initiatives are in place to increase their inclusion and tackle stigma around the globe. Data were collected using a web survey from 667 experts and organizations in the (intellectual) disability field pertaining to 88 countries and covering all world regions. Information about the study was disseminated by four multinational disability organizations, and the survey was available in five languages. Findings and responses indicated that the general public in many parts of the world broadly support the fundamental principle of inclusion of children and adults with IDs, yet negative attitudes persist. High levels of stigma and denial of fundamental rights still appeared a reality in many places. Initiatives to tackle stigma appeared patchy and least in evidence where they were most needed. In many parts of the world the life chances of people with IDs often appear still very poor, and support and advocacy almost entirely their families' responsibility. More needs to be done globally to reduce the stigma associated with ID and to promote active engagement and regular social interactions between persons with IDs and their fellow citizens without IDs.