SHIRLI WERNER - Curriculum Vitae (July, 2023)
Date of birth: December 15, 1976
Country of birth: Israel
Nationality: Israeli
Family status: Married, three children
Military duty: 1995-1997 Youth Commander at Joarah Base and Youth leader in poverty stricken neighborhoods.
E-mail address:
1997-2000 BSW at University of Tel Aviv, School of Social Work.
2002- 2005 Ph.D. (direct track) at Bar-Ilan University, School of Social Work. Supervisor: Prof. Jonathan Rabinowitz. Thesis title: The relationship between socioeconomic status at birth and risk of schizophrenia onset.
2005 - 2006 Post-doctoral Fellowship at Bar-Ilan University, School of Social Work. Host: Prof. Jonathan Rabinowitz.
2006 – 2007 Post-doctoral Fellowship at University of Toronto and MukiBaum Treatment Centres. Hosts: Prof. Ivan Brown and Dr. Nehama Baum.
2007 – 2009 Post-doctoral Fellowship at HUJI, School of Social Work and Social Welfare. Host: Prof. Gail Auslander.
2014 Visiting Professor at University College London, Research Department of Clinical, Educational & Health Psychology. Host: Katrina Scior.
2008 Adjunct Lecturer, School of Social Work and Social Welfare
2009 Lecturer, School of Social Work and Social Welfare
2015 Senior Lecturer, School of Social Work and Social Welfare
2019 Associate Professor, School of Social Work and Social Welfare
2023 Full Professor, School of Social Work and Social Welfare
2016-2019 Head, Center for Disability Studies
2016-present Member, Autism Center
2018- 2022 Member, Teaching Committee
2018–2022 Member, Field Practice Committee
2018- 2022 Member, Scholarships and Awards Committee
2019-present Member, Center for Disability Studies
2019-2022 Head, Masters in Social Work Program, School of Social Work and Social Welfare
2022- Head, Center for Disability Studies
2023- Representative to Hebrew University Senate
2023- Member, Supreme Ethics Committee, Hebrew University
2004 – 2006 Bar-Ilan University, School of Social Work, Instructor
2006-2007 University of Toronto, FSW, Field Instructor of MSW Students
2007- 2008 Sapir College, Department of Social Work, Adjunct Lecturer
Consultation and committees:
2015-2018 Ashalim's Professional Committee, JDC-Israel
2015-2016 Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Social Services, Disabilities'
Administration, Professional committee on Person Centered Planning
2016 Union for Social Workers, Rehabilitation Social Work Committee on specialization guidelines
2016-2017 Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Social Services, Disabilities' Administration, Professional committee on inclusion and participation
2016-2019 National Council for Psychiatric Rehabilitation
2017–present Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Social Services, Disabilities'
Administration, Professional committee for defining classification methods, diagnosis and evaluation tools
2017–2023 Beit Issie Shapiro, Ethics Committee
2018-2019 Bizchut, Individuals with disabilities from the Arab community.
2018-2019 Akim Israel, Perception of disability among candidates for the local elections.
2018-2019 Forum for the Development and advancement of Critical Disability Studies within the Arab community.
2019-2022 Brookdale, Children with disabilities in Israel
2023- Board Member, Beit Issie Shapiro
Editorial boards and journals:
2011 International Special Olympics Research Delegation, Athens, Greece. Challenges & opportunities in cross-cultural research: World games working meeting
2014- 2015 Professional group for implementation of Article 12, supported decision-making, Bizchut
2014- 2015 Committee for planning national level interventions to fight stigma
towards individuals with intellectual disabilities, Keren Shalem
2014- 2022 Journal Board, Homesh Journal
2015- 2021 Board Member, Homesh Organization
2015- present Editorial Board, Stigma and Health
2016 Guest Editor, Special issue on Stigma and Bullying, Journal of Mental Health in Intellectual Disabilities, with Dr. Afia Ali
2017-2018 Guest Editor, Special issue on Artificial Intelligence – Theory, Research and Practice, Assistive Technology, with Dr. Amir Tal
2019-present Associate Editor, Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities
2022–present Journal Board, Disability and Society – Research and Practice, Beit-Issie Shapiro Journal
2022-present Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Disability and Social Justice
Awards and scholarships:
2002-2006 President's Fellowship for Ph.D Studies, Bar-Ilan University
2006 – 2007 Post-doctoral Fellow Award, The University of Toronto and MukiBaum Treatment Centres
2007–2009 Post-doctoral Fellow Award, School of Social Work and Social Welfare, The Hebrew University, Funded by the DIP (Deutsch-Israelische Projektkooperation)
2010 Golda Meir Fellowship
2012 IASSID Challenging Behaviour and Mental Health – SIRG Travel Grant to the IASSID World Congress, Nova Scotia
Organization of Scientific Conferences:
Heinrich-Böll-Foundation/German Parity Welfare Association: Israel Study Tour. Sapir College, Israel, May, 2008.
Homesh. 7th Annual Rehabilitation Conference. Tel-Aviv, Israel, 17-18 February, 2009.
Homesh. 8th Annual Rehabilitation Conference. Ramat-Gan, Israel, 17-18 February, 2012.
Homesh. 9th Annual Rehabilitation Conference. Ramat-Gan, Israel, 3-4 March, 2014. Head of the Scientific Organizing Committee.
IASPA. 20th International Symposium on Adapted Physical Activity, 11-15 June, 2015.
Beit Issie Shapiro. 6th International Conference on Disabilities: Unity & Diversity in Action, July, 2015.
Homesh. 10th Annual Rehabilitation Conference. Ramat-Gan, Israel, 14-15 March, 2016. Member of the Scientific Organizing Committee.
Commission for Equal Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Avenue Conference Center, December 3rd. The Commission's Yearly Conference.
Center for Disability Studies. Talks on citizenship, inclusion and self-determination of persons with disabilities. Jerusalem, June 26-27, 2017.
General Education and inclusive education: Junction points and mutual empowerment. School of Education, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. January, 29, 2018.
Center for Disability Studies. In light of the Convention: Social inclusion from talk to practice. Tel-Aviv, May 1st, 2018.
Center for Disability Studies. First Millie Blum Conference: Accessible Futures: Intersecting Futurity and Disability. June, 2020.
Center for Disability Studies. Second Millie Blum Conference: Autonomy and Choice, National and International Perspective on Social Policy for Persons with Disabilities. November to January, 2021.
ENMESH Conference, June 2022
Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute. Guardianship Alternatives: Power of Attorney and
Supported Decision Making. September 22nd, 2022
Center for Disability Studies. Third Millie Blum Conference: Disability in Space and Time. June, 2023.
Reviewer for peer reviewed journals (alphabetical order):
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry; American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias; American Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities; BMC Psychiatry; Children and Youth Service Review; Comprehensive Psychiatry; Devarim (Hebrew); Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology; Disability and Rehabilitation; Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences; Frontiers in Psychology; Health and Social Work; Healthcare; Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities; International Journal of Developmental Disabilities; International Journal of Disability, Development and Education; International Journal on Disability and Human Development; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; Israel Journal of Psychiatry; Journal of African Studies and Development; Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities; Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders; Journal of Child and Family Studies; Journal of Clinical Medicine; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology; Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability; Journal of Intellectual Disability Research; Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities; Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease; Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disability; Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work; Journal on Developmental Disabilities; Medical Law and Bioethics (Hebrew); Meeting Educational Social Work - Mifgash (Hebrew); Megamot (Hebrew); Nursing Research and Practice; PLOS One; Psychiatry Research; Quality of Life Research; Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders; Research in Developmental Disabilities; Schizophrenia Research; Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology; Social Security (Hebrew); Social Work Education; Society and Welfare (Hebrew); Stigma and Health; Stigma Research and Action
Reviewer for Research proposals:
Israel Science Foundation
Keren Shalem Foundation
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, NWO Autism and Psychosis
programme review
Israel National Institute for Health Policy and Health Services Research
Catalonian Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Research, CAHTA, Spain
Reviewer for Thesis/ PhD and Membership in Advisory Committees:
2009-present Review of numerous MA Theses, School of Social Work and Social Welfare, HUJI
2014 PhD Advisory Committees, School of Social Work and Social Welfare, HUJI
2016 Review of PhD Thesis, School of Occupational Therapy, HUJI
2016 PhD Advisory Committee, School of Social Work, Ben-Gurion University
2017 PhD Advisory Committee, School of Education, HUJI
2017 Review of PhD Thesis, School of Social Work, Ben-Gurion University
2018 PhD Advisory Committee, School of Social Work, Ben-Gurion University
2018 Review of PhD Thesis, School of Social Work and Social Welfare, HUJI
2018 Review of PhD Thesis, School of Law, Bar-Ilan University
2019 Review of PhD Proposal, School of Arts, Haifa University
2019 PhD Advisory Committee, Childhood Development, Haifa University
2020 Review of PhD Proposal, School of Education, Haifa University
2020 Review of PhD Proposal, Sociology and Anthropology, Ben-Gurion University
2021 PhD Advisory Committee, School of Social Work and Social Welfare, HUJI
2021 Review of PhD, School of Cultural Studies, Tel-Aviv University
2021 PhD Advisory Committee, Creative Arts Therapies, Haifa University
2022 PhD Advisory Committee, School of Occupational Therapy, HUJI
2022 Review of MA Thesis proposal, School of Communication Disorders, Tel-Aviv University
2023 PhD Advisory Committee, School of Social Work, Ben –Gurion University
2023 Review of PhD Proposal, Department of Nursing, Haifa University
2006 Harry E. Foster Charitable Foundation, “Sensory Therapy as a Modifier of Aggressive Behaviour in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders”. $2000
2010 National Institute for Health Policy and Health Services Research, "Psychiatrists' Knowledge, Abilities and Attitudes Regarding Treatment of Persons with Dual Diagnosis", with Mike Stawski, Itzhak Levav, and Yakov Polakiewicz, 77,073/ 77,073 NIS, #27, 36, 40, 41
2010 Warburg Fund, "Affiliate Stigma, Subjective Well-being and Social Support among Parents of Children with Intellectual, Communication or Physical Disabilities", with Cory Shulman, $2500/5000 #39, 42
2011-2015 Keren Shalem Fund, "Army duty of individuals with intellectual disabilities: Examining its impact on the individuals' and their parents' quality of life and on the attitudes towards individuals with intellectual disabilities." 155,574/155,574 NIS. #61, 62, 64, 67
2013 Bizchut and OSF Fund, "Autonomy, Guardianship, Supported
Decision-Making and the Relationship between Them". 26,700/26,700 NIS. #52
2013-2015 National Institute for Health Policy and Health Services Research, "Exploring Primary Care Physicians' Willingness to Utilize Adequate Communication Principles with People with Intellectual Disabilities: Correlation with Knowledge, Exposure and Attitudes Regarding Intellectual Disability", with Anthony Heyman and Shira Yalon-Chaimovitz.119,232/119,232 NIS, #58
2014 Internal Hebrew University Grant, for costs associated with publication
of book ($3000). #2
2014-2015 Keren Shalem Fund, "Evaluation of a Cognitive Accessibility Program
of Leisure Centers for Persons with Intellectual Disability", with Shira Yalon-Chaimovitz, Sigal Uziel-Karal and Yossi Frier-Dror. 134,768 NIS
2014-2017 Niedersachsen, "Service Gap and Lag in the Treatment of Intellectual Disability and Psychopathology: Family Stigma and Perception of Service Availability and Accessibility as Barriers to Help-seeking", with Wulf Rosler. 104,000/217,500 Euro, # 68, 70, 71
2015-2017 Keren Varburg Fund, " Perception of Disability among Social Work
Students: Between the Medical and the Social", with Roni Holler. $5000/ 10,000. #63, 65
2016-2018 JDC-Unlimited, "Evaluation of Academic Friending Courses". 119,930 /119,930NIS. Other publications #9.
2016-2019 JDC-Ashalim, "Evaluation of a Program to Increase Volunteering of Adolescents with Disabilities", with Yossi Friar-Dror, Itay Greenspan, Hila Rimon-Greenspan. 257,134NIS
2016-2019 Ministry of Education, "Evaluation of Dorner", with Thomas Gumpel, Naomi Weintraub and Judah Koller. 225,000/900,000NIS. #74, 77
2018-2021 Israel Science Foundation, "Guardianship and Supported Decision Making for Persons with Disabilities: A Mixed-Method Analysis of Social Workers' Decision-Making Process" with Roni Holler, 187,500/375,000 NIS, #78, 80, 81
2020 Warburg Fund, “Understanding Role Perception of Family, Professional and Volunteer Supporters in Supported Decision Making Scheme”, with Itay Greenspan and Roni Holler, $3333/10,000
MA students
2018 – 2020 Tali Malin, co-supervisor - Roni Holler, degree completed magna cum laude
2018-2020 Maayan Schneider, degree completed magna cum laude, #84
2020- 2022 Isra Amar, degree completed magna cum laude, Presentation #95
2020- 2022 Doaa Fereg, degree completed magna cum laude, Presentation #95
2020- 2022 Sara Gavri
Doctoral degree students
2014–2020 Ira Stern, Presentation #64, 73
2016- 2023 Liron Benisti, Presentation #87, 88
2016- 2023 Tamar Taub, #85. Presentation #83, 85
2021 – present Amital Cohen
Post-doctoral fellows and Visitors
2021-2023 Noa Tal-Alon, co-supervisor - Roni Holler
Stigma in the Disabilities Field, MA
Disability: Person, Family, Community, BA
Scientific Thought and Research Design, MA
Research Issues in the disabilities Field, MA
The Social Perspective of Disability Today and the Future, MA
Research in the Health and Disabilities Field, MA
Participation in scientific conferences, lectures and other activities:
1. Werner, S. (May 23-27, 2007). Animals as a Powerful Tool in Therapy. 2nd International Come to Your Senses Conference. Toronto, Canada. Lecture.
2. Werner, S., & Edwards, M. (May 23-27, 2007). Sensory-enriched Environments. 2nd International Come to Your Senses Conference. Toronto, Canada. Lecture.
3. Werner, S. Baum, N., Isaacs, B., Brown, R., Brown, I., & Wang, S. (December 6-9, 2007). Family quality of life: Quantitative and qualitative data collection and analyses. 8th Conference of the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies; San-Diego. Lecture.
4. Isaacs, B., Baum, N., Brown, R., Brown, I., Wang, S., & Werner, S. (December 6-9, 2007). The international family quality of life project: Comparison of Family Quality of Life in several countries. 8th Conference of the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies; San-Diego. Lecture.
5. Werner, S. (May 27, 2008). The use of advanced tracking technologies for the analysis of mobility in Alzheimer's disease and Related Cognitive Disorders and its contribution to wellbeing – SENTRA Project. Heinrich-Böll-Foundation/German Parity Welfare Association: Israel Study Tour; Sapir College, Israel.
6. Werner, S., & Edwards, M. (August 25-30, 2008). Family quality of Life: Utilization of qualitative research methods. 13th IASSID World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa.
7. Landau, R., Werner, S., Auslander, G. K., Shoval, N., & Heinik, J. (2008). Caring for wandering dementia patients: Professionals’ and family caregivers’ views of the use of advanced tracking technologies. The annual meeting of the International Federation of Social Workers, Brazil.
8. Werner, S., Auslander, G., Shoval, N., Landau, R., & Heinik, J. (February 17-18, 2009). The use of advanced tracking technologies to for the analysis of mobility of elderly with cognitive impairment: The ability to use the technology and its implications for quality of life. Homesh Conference: Tel-Aviv, Israel. (In Hebrew).
9. Landau, R., Werner, S., Auslander, G. K., Shoval, N., & Heinik, J. (March 5-8, 2009). Family and professional caregivers' views of using advanced technology to track people with dementia: A qualitative study. Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the American Association for Practical and Professional Ethics; Cincinnati, Ohio.
10. Werner, S. (September 3-5, 2009). Student’s attitudes toward working with people with autism: Results from an elicitation study using the Theory of Planned Behavior. 7th European Congress of Mental Health in Intellectual Disability; Amsterdam.
11. Landau, R., Auslander, G., Werner, S., Shoval, N., & Heinik, J. (Dec 8, 2009). Who should make the decision on the use of GPS for people with dementia? The Fourth International Jerusalem Conference on Health Policy Research. Jerusalem, Israel. (In Hebrew)
12. Rich, S., Adelman, K., Levinger, M., Werner, S. (January 31st-February 2, 2010). Adolescents with a cochelear implant: Experience of the surgery, identity and functioning. The 46th Conference of the Israeli Speech Hearing and Language Association; Tel-Aviv, Israel. (In Hebrew)
13. Landau, R., Auslander, G., Werner, S., Shoval, N., & Heinik, J. (March 17-20, 2010). Personal Autonomy or Safety? An Ethical Dilemma for Family Caregivers of People with Dementia. The XVIII World Family Therapy Congress. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
14. Auslander, G.K., Gitlitz, T., Werner, S., Landau, R., Shoval, N., & J. Heinik (May 27-30, 2010). Caregiver burden of family members of cognitively impaired old people: The relationship with elders' quality of life and time-space behaviour. International Society for Gerotecnology 7th World Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
15. Landau, R., Werner, S., Auslander, G., Shoval, N., & Heinik, J. (May 27-30, 2010). Attitudes of family and professional caregivers towards the use of GPS for people with dementia. International Society for Gerotecnology 7th World Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
16. Werner, S., & Landau, R. (June 28th- July2nd, 2010). Attitudes of social workers and social work students toward electronic tracking of people with dementia. Changing Health: 6th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health. Dublin, Ireland.
17. Werner, S., Stawski, M., Levav, I., Polakavitz, Y. (October 6, 2010). Knowledge and attitudes of psychiatrists on the care of individuals with diagnosis of intellectual disability and mental illness. Conference on Health and Intellectual Disability, Ramat-Efal, Israel.
18. Vilchinsky, N., Findler, L., Werner, S. (December 30-31, 2010). Attitudes toward people with disabilities: The crucial role of gender and personality. Rethinking disability: The state, the community, and the individual. International Disability Studies Conference. Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
19. Landau, R., Werner, S., Auslander, G.K., Shoval, N., & Heinik, Y. (January 20-22, 2011). What Do Cognitively Intact Older People Think About the Use of Electronic Tracking Devices For People With Dementia. Health, Wellness and Society International Conference. California, USA.
20. Garyzman, A. & Werner, S. (June 14th-15th, 2011). Examination of factors impacting the intention of Social Work students to work with individuals with intellectual disabilities: Testing the Theory of Planned Behavior. The 7th National Conference on the Developmentally Disabled. Tel-Aviv, Israel (in Hebrew).
21. Werner, S. (June 14th-15th, 2011). 'The dream that we didn't dream': Integration of individuals with intellectual disabilities into army duty. The 7th National Conference on the Developmentally Disabled. Tel-Aviv, Israel (in Hebrew).
22. Werner, S. (July 5th-7th, 2011). The meaning of army duty on individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families. Beit Issie Shapiro 5th International Conference on Disabilities: Learning from the Past Shaping the Future. Tel Aviv, Israel. (Poster presentation)
23. Werner, S., Stawski, M., Levav, I. & Polakiewicz, Y (July 5th-7th, 2011). Knowledge, training and attitudes of psychiatrists towards individuals with dual diagnosis of intellectual disability and mental illness. Beit Issie Shapiro 5th International Conference on Disabilities: Learning from the Past Shaping the Future. Tel Aviv, Israel.
24. Rich, S., Adelman, K., Levinger, M., Werner, S. (July 14th -16th, 2011). Cochlear implanted adolescents: Identity, functioning and the operation experience. 13th Symposium on Cochlear Implants in Children. Chicago, USA.
25. Werner, S. (1- 3 September 2011). Predicting intention to work with individuals with dual diagnosis among students of health and social professions: Testing the Theory of Planned Behavior. Joint Congress of the European Association for Mental Health in Intellectual Disability & IASSID Challenging Behaviour & Mental Health SIRG. Manchester, UK.
26. Sinai, A., Stawski, M., Werner, S. (1- 3 September 2011). Assessing the need for a specialist service for people with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems living in Israel. Joint Congress of the European Association for Mental Health in Intellectual Disability & IASSID Challenging Behaviour & Mental Health SIRG. Manchester, UK.
27. Werner, S., Stawski, M., Levav, I., Polakiewicz, Y. (18-22 September, 2011). Psychiatrists' attitudes regarding the treatment of individuals with dual diagnosis (Intellectual disability and mental illness). 15th World Congress of Psychiatry. Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Poster presentation)
28. Werner, S., Landau, R. (21st October, 2011). Ethical aspects of using GPS for tracking people with dementia: Recommendations for practice. Staying mobile while cognitively impaired: Setting the findings of the German-Israeli project SenTra into research and practice contexts. Heidelberg, Germany.
29. Werner, S. (May 16, 2012). Being heroes at the Special Olympic World Games for people with developmental disabilities. Jerusalem Rotary Club, YMCA, Jerusalem, Israel. (invited talk)
30. Werner, S. (May 17, 2012). Sensory integration: What is it? The Sensory Experience. Havat Hahaim, Raanana, Israel. (invited talk)
31. Werner S. (July 9-14, 2012). Impact of participation in Special Olympics World Games on athletes, parents and siblings. IASSID World Congress, Halifax, Canada.
32. Werner S. (July 9-14, 2012). Mental health treatment in intellectual disability and psychiatric disorders: Social workers' perspective. IASSID World Congress, Halifax, Canada.
33. Werner S., & Shulman, C. (November 1-4, 2012). Subjective well-being among parents of children with developmental disabilities: The association with affiliate stigma, social support and self-esteem. XI ISQOLS Conference. Discovering New Frontiers in Quality-of-Life Research. Venice, Italy.
34. Kurtz, S., Werner, S., Rosenne, H. & Halpern, H. (November 8-9, 2012). CF in adulthood…Couples and commitments. National Israeli CF Foundation Conference, Cesera, Israel.
35. Werner, S., Kurtz, S., Rosenne, H. & Halpern, H. (December 2-5, 2012). Growing up with cystic fibrosis and its challenges in adulthood. Third International Congress on Pediatric Chronic Diseases, Disability and Human Development, Jerusalem, Israel.
36. Sinai, A., Werner, S., & Stawski, M. (December 2-5, 2012). Assessing the need for a specialist service for people with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems living in Israel: A qualitative study. Third International Congress on Pediatric Chronic Diseases, Disability and Human Development, Jerusalem, Israel.
37. Werner. S. (December 18, 2013). Mental Illness in the Family. Managing Mental Illness in the Family. Telfed, Raanana, Israel. (invited talk)
38. Kurtz, S., Werner, S., & Rosenne, H. (June 23-27, 2013). CF into Adulthood: New Challenges for Patients and Staff. Pathways 2013 Conference. Los Angeles, California.
39. Werner, S. (September 9-11, 2013). The influence of participation in the Special Olympics World Games on quality of life of individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families. International Symposium on Quality of Life and Well-being of People with Disabilities: Theory, Research & Implementation. Kiryat Ono, Israel.
40. Werner, S., & Segal, D. (September 12-13, 2013). Social inclusion of residents with intellectual disability and dual diagnosis. New Horizons for Mental Health in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, European Association for Mental Health in Intellectual Disability. Lisbon, Portugal.
41. Werner, S. (November 7, 2013). Social inclusion in community residential settings: Research results. Learning Day on Community Living and the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. Commission for Equal Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Justice, State of Israel.
42. Werner, S. (January 6, 2014). Stigma and its impact on the individual and the family. Samit's Annual Meeting for Families of Individuals with Psychiatric Illness. Jerusalem, Israel. (invited talk)
43. Kurtz, S., Rosenne, H., Werner, S., Halpern, A. (January 28, 2014). CF from childhood to adulthood: New challenges for the individual and the treatment team. Health Social Workers' Conference. Jerusalem, Israel (poster presentation).
44. Bar-Haim, I., Muscal, R., Yalon-Chaimovitz, S., & Werner, S. (Februrary 4-6, 2014). Qualitative research examining quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities. Sixth Qualitative Research Conference. Beer-Sheva, Israel (in Hebrew).
45. Lewengraub, R., & Werner, S. (March 3-4, 2014). Guardianship, autonomy, supported decision making: How are they perceived by people with intellectual disability, people with mental illness and parents of people with disability. Rehabilitation: On the CRPD, beliefs and fulfillment. Homesh 9th Annual Rehabilitation Conference. Kefar Hamakabia, Ramat-Gan, Israel (in Hebrew).
46. Ben-Porat-Haviv, M., & Werner, S. (March 3-4, 2014). Subjective wellbeing among elderly people with intellectual disability: The relationship to leisure and social support . Rehabilitation: On the CRPD, beliefs and fulfillment. Homesh 9th Annual Rehabilitation Conference. Kefar Hamakabia, Ramat-Gan, Israel (in Hebrew).
47. Segal, D., & Werner, S. (March 3-4, 2014). Increasing inclusion of people with intellectual disability and dual diagnosis by support staff . Rehabilitation: On the CRPD, beliefs and fulfillment. Homesh 9th Annual Rehabilitation Conference. Kefar Hamakabia, Ramat-Gan, Israel (in Hebrew).
48. Kraim, Y., & Werner S. (July 7-9, 2015). Mental Health Professionals' Viewpoints and the Reform in Service Provision: Moderator of roundtable. Beit Issie Shapiro's 6th International Conference on Disabilities: Unity and Diversity in Action. Tel-Aviv, Israel.
49. Werner, S. (July 16, 2015). The Equal in Uniform Project. Combating Negative Attitudes and Discrimination against people with intellectual disabilities around the globe. University College London, London, UK. (invited talk)
50. Taub, T., & Werner, S. (July 7-9, 2015). Family Quality of Life among Families Raising a Child with Developmental Disabilities, Regarding Formal & Informal Supports, Religion & Spirituality. Beit Issie Shapiro's 6th International Conference on Disabilities: Unity and Diversity in Action. Tel-Aviv, Israel.
51. Werner, S. (July 7-9, 2015). “Equal in Uniform": Its impact on attitudes of soldiers without disabilities towards soldiers with intellectual disabilities. Beit Issie Shapiro's 6th International Conference on Disabilities: Unity and Diversity in Action. Tel-Aviv, Israel.
52. Werner, S. (March 24, 2015). Equal in Uniform: Implications of the project on soldiers with ID. International Downs Syndrome Day Conference: Things that you see from here, Jerusalem, Israel. (invited speaker, in Hebrew)
53. Werner, S., Rössler, W., Stern, I., & Eissing, T. (March 10-11, 2015). Service gap and lag in the treatment of intellectual disability and psychopathology: Family stigma and perception of service availability and accessibility as barriers to help-seeking. Conference of Scientific Cooperation between Lower Saxony and Israel, Hannover, Germany.
54. Stern, I., Werner, S., Rössler, W., & Eissing, T. (March 10-11, 2015). Caregivers’ help-seeking for treatment of intellectual disability and psychopathology: Introduction of a study model. Conference of Scientific Cooperation between Lower Saxony and Israel, Hannover, Germany. (poster presentation)
55. Werner, S. (January 20-23, 2015). Family Quality of Life among Families Caring for an Individual with a Developmental Disability. 4th International Conference on Pediatric Chronic Diseases, Disability and Human Development, Jerusalem, Israel. (invited speaker, plenary talk)
56. Werner, S. (January 20-23, 2015). "Equal in Uniform": How it has Influenced Soldiers with Intellectual Disabilities? 4th International Conference on Pediatric Chronic Diseases, Disability and Human Development, Jerusalem, Israel.
57. Werner, S. (Oct 25-26, 2016). Becoming a soldier: The process of Inclusion of Individuals with intellectual disabilities in Military. 23rd RI World Congress, Edinburgh.
58. Araten, T., & Werner, S. (August 14- August 19, 2016). Social workers' attributions toward individuals with dual diagnosis of intellectual disability and mental illness. IASSID World Congress, Melbourne, Australia.
59. Werner, S. (March 8, 2016). Equal in Uniform: Results from a research study. Presentation of research results at a day conference at Keren Shalem Fund.
60. Stern, S., & Werner, S. (March, 2016). Services for adolescents and adults with intellectual disabilities in Israel. Homesh 10th Annual Rehabilitation Conference. Kefar Hamakabia, Ramat- Gan, Israel.
61. Werner, S. (March, 2016). Equal in Uniform: Perceptions of parents on military service for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Homesh 10th Annual Rehabilitation Conference. Kefar Hamakabia, Ramat- Gan, Israel.
62. Katz, D., Werner, S., & Chagshuri, L. (November 20-21, 2017). The Equal in Uniform Project: Description of the project and research findings. 19th Social Worker's Conference, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
63. Masalha, W., Auslander, G., & Werner, S. (November 20-21, 2017). Parental adaptation to childhood cancer: Differences between ethnic groups. 19th Social Worker's Conference, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
64. Stern, I., & Werner, S. (September 21-23, 2017). Caregivers of individuals with dual diagnosis of intellectual disabilities and psychopathology: Burden and post-traumatic growth. 11th European Congress Mental Health in Intellectual Disability: Better Mental Health for People with Intellectual Disability. Luxembourg.
65. Werner, S., Stern, I., Beiwinkel, T., & Rossler, W. (20-22 September, 2017). Family stigma among caregivers of individuals with a dual diagnosis of intellectual disability and mental illness: Is it a barrier to help-seeking? Overcoming barriers in minds and society: 8th conference – together against stigma, Copenhagen, Denmark. 66. Araten-Bergman, T., & Werner, S. (November 8-10, 2017). Social workers' attributions towards individuals with dual diagnosis of intellectual disability and mental illness. 2017 ASID Conference – Pushing the boundaries, Hobart, Tasmania.
67. Werner, S., & Holler, H. (June 28, 2017). Perceptions of disability among social work students: Between the medical and the social. Disability studies in Israel: Between theory and practice, Kiryat-Ono, Israel.
68. Werner, S. (November 30th-December 2nd, 2017). Impact of participation in Academic Friending courses on individuals with disabilities. 3rd International Disability Studies Conference 'The Art of Belonging‘. Amsterdam, Holand.
69. Werner, S. (September 11-13, 2018). The role of university lecturers in meeting accessibility needs of 'non-traditional' students in higher- education. Lancaster Disability Studies Conference. Lancaster, UK.
70. Scior, K., & Werner, S. (July, 2018). Understanding and challenging intellectual disability stigma at multiple levels. 5th IASSIDD Europe Congress Diversity & Belonging: Celebrating Differences. Athens, Greece.
71. Holler, R., & Werner, S. (30 Aug – 1 Sept, 2018). Social Work Students' Attitudes toward Guardianship and Supported Decision-making. 16th Espanet Conference. Vilnius, Lithuania.
72. Werner, S. (July 3-5, 2018). Students with disabilities in academia: What is the impact on non-disabled students?. DISES International Conference, Embracing Inclusive Approaches, Cape-Town, July 3-5, 2018. Cape-Town, South Africa.
73. Stern, I., & Werner, S. (July, 2018). Service use and post-traumatic growth amongst parents of people with intellectual disabilities. 5th IASSIDD Europe Congress Diversity & Belonging: Celebrating Differences. Athens, Greece.
74. Taub, T., Gershoni, H., & Werner, S. (July, 2018). FQoL from a Cultural Perspective among Orthodox Jewish Families. 5th IASSIDD Europe Congress Diversity & Belonging: Celebrating Differences. Athens, Greece.
75. Werner, S. (March 25, 2019). What role for people with disabilities? Symposium: Crossviews on People with Disabilities. Senate, Paris, France.
76. Auslander, G., Masalha, W., & Werner, S. (July 22-26, 2019). Parental adaptation to childhood cancer: A cross-cultural perspective. The 9th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health. York, UK
77. Werner, S., & Holler, R. (May, 2019). Choice within the Israeli welfare state: The case of housing services. NNDR Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark.
78. Werner, S., Hochman, Y., Holler, Y., & Shpigelman, C.N. (May 27, 2020). Burden and growth during COVID-19: Parents of children with and without disabilities in Israel. Towards New Horizons: Hebrew University Experts Share their Insights. (invited talk)
79. Gumpel, T., Werner, S., Weintraub, N. & Koller, J. (2020). Incentives and disincentives for inclusive education. CEC Special Education Convention and Expo, February 5-8, Portland, Oregon.
80. Werner, S., Holler, R., Shpigelman, C.N., & Hochman, Y. (2020). Parents and families of children with disabilities during the Covid period. Beit Ekstein. 12 November, 2020 (invited talk)
81. Werner, S., & Holler, R. (2021). Social workers’ meanings of guardianship for disabled people. Alter Conference, 8 - 9 April, Rennes (online).
82. Werner, S., Hochman, Y., Holler, R., Shpigelman, C.N. (2021). Burden and growth during COVID-19: Parents of children with and without disabilities. 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress: Value Diversity, 6-8 July 2021, Amsterdam, Holland (online).
83. Taub, T. & Werner, S. (2021). Sounds of silence: AAC users’ experiences of self-determination and autonomous decision making. 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress: Value Diversity, 6-8 July 2021, Amsterdam, Holland (online).
84. Greenspan, I., Holler, R., Levy-Araki, R., & Werner, S. (2022). Understanding role perception of volunteer supporters in supported decision making scheme. 11th European Conference for Social Work Research, 6-8 April 2022, Amsterdam, Holland
85. Taub, T., & Werner, S. (2022). Will you hear my voice? Self-determination and autonomy among adolescents using alternative and augmentative communication. ISAAC Conference, 3-4 July, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
86. Werner, S. (2022). Parenting during Corona: Stress and growth among parents of children with and without disabilities. Talk provided to Masters students in the Interdisciplinary Progam for Child Development, 28 April, Haifa, Israel (invited talk)
87. Benisti, L., & Werner, S. (2022). On the meaning of disability and identity in culture. Talk provided for the Center for the Study of Multiculturalism and Diversity, Hebrew University.
88. Benisti, L., & Werner, S. (2022). The meaning of disability and the experience of motherhood among ultra-Orthodox mothers of a child with a disability. 53rd Meeting of the Israel Sociological Society, 7-9 April, 2022, Jerusalem, Israel.
89. Holler, R. & Werner, S. (2021) Between guardianship and supported decision-making for individuals with disabilities: Social workers’ perceptions. 10th European Conference for Social Work Research. 7 May, Virtual Conference
90. Werner, S., & Holler, R. (2022). Social workers’ perspectives on the role of the family in guardianship and supported decision-making for individuals with disabilities. Society for Social Work and Research Conference. January 12-16th, 2022, Washington DC. EPoster
91. Werner, S., & Holler, R. (2022). From law to research: Main findings from studies in Israel. Guardianship Alternatives: Lasting power of attorney and supported decision-making. 8 September, Brookdale, Jerusalem.
92. Werner, S. (2023). Choice and people with disabilities: Issues of guardianship and supported decision-making. Talk provided to special education school administrators. Binyamin Rotma, Alumot Or. 2 March.
93. Werner, S. (2023). Self-stigma, family stigma, participation and identity among people with disabilities. Talk provided at Utrecht University. April 4th, 2023.
94. Werner, S., & Holler, R. (2023). Social workers’ perceptions and judgements regarding guardianship and supported decision-making. NNDR Conference, 10-12 May, Iceland.
95. Werner, S., Freg, D., & Amer-Sarsour, I. (2023). Community participation of Arab disabled children: Role of family stigma, parent’s participation and perceptions of disability. NNDR Conference, 10-12 May, Iceland.